Captain Compost Super Hero
Captain Compost is like the super hero of recycling, he takes all the scraps and turns them into rich organic soil that is put back into the garden. In a way Captain Compost is completing the circle of life.
All the other recycling containers envy Captain Compost with his belly full of nutrients and his over heated smile. All the trash cans watch him from the alley as he spreads his compost through the garden. The mood is always happy and the comments are filled with praise. Oh my this is some of the nicest compost I’ve ever seen, one lady tells her friend.
I know it’s so rich and warm and wonderful.
Captain Compost has been working over time and producing 10lbs of compost every 6 days during the month of June. There is 30 days in June so how much compost did Captain Compost make in the month of June ? (30 days divided by 6=.... x 10lbs=.....)
In July and August when temperatures are the hottest Captain Compost kicks into high gear. His belly starts shaking with gasses and his smile gets even hotter. He keeps the garden healthy and all the animals warm at night. He is always happy, smiling and joyful and he known to even enjoys a storm or two.
Now he’s working hard all day and is producing 2lbs of composts every day during the months of July. How much compost will the Captain produce for the month of July? (July 31 days x 2lbs=......)
In August Captain Compost was producing 3lbs of compost every day, how much compost did the Captain produce in August
(31 days x 3lbs=........ )
How much compost did the captain produce in July and August?
July 31 days x 2lbs=...... + August 31 days x 3lbs=.......
Now the days are getting shorter and September slowly slipped into autumn. Captain Compost prepares for winter and his long winter nap. His final day in the garden is spent spreading the last of his compost and calculating all his hard work for the season.
How many pounds of compost did the Captain make in 92 days.
(30 days divided by 6 =....... x 10lbs=...... + 31 days x 2lbs=...... + 31 days x 3lbs=..........)
Captain Compost really is the super hero of recycling, he takes all the scraps and turns them into beautiful nutrient rich soil. He gives so much back to the community and the environment through his organic composting.
Of course the other recycling containers would be jealous, who wouldn’t be? He only works the summer months and gets the rest of the year off, every one loves Captain Compost and his nutrient rich soil that feeds the fruit and veggies grown in all our gardens.