Ms. Trash-Can Trudy’s SWK Mask Project
Billy and the Spirit Warrior Kids team have decided it’s time to give their team a cool name and design some SWK team masks. After some time and several suggestions they all decided on SWK Eco Enforcers as their new name.
Now they have a cool name the next step is to create some really cool Eco Enforcer masks. For this crafty project they will ask Ms. Trash-Can Trudy if she will lead this nifty art project.
Ms. Trash-Can Trudy and the SWK team gathered together and started sharing their ideas. Trash-Can Trudy suggests paper Mache masks. We will need flour, water, large bowl, news paper, balloons and some string.
Trash-Can Trudy explains there is two different kinds of masks, balloon molded masks or face moulded masks. What kind will we be making Ms. Trudy?
We will be making the Balloon masks because I feel they’re safer, Ms. Trudy explains she is not comfortable with putting ink from news papers or magazines near children's skin. Making them from balloons will also allow the masks to dry over night.
Ms. Trudy suggest this would be a good time to decide what kind of design Billy’s Eco Enforcers want for their masks, Billy and his team gather together to decide what kind of design they want.
SWK Eco Enforcer Jonathan would like to have all the mask one design but
Eco Enforcer Stephanie wants hers to be an individual design. Ms. Trudy suggests they can have both, those who would like one design can form a group and decide what design they would like and those who want an individual mask can design their own.
SWK Paper Mache Project Materials
For this project you will need
3.News paper
5.Large Bowl
Ms. Trudy begins with tearing news paper into long strips, it’s important to tear the paper and not cut it with scissors because torn strips blends in better.
Next mix your flour and water, half a cup of flour for every one cup of water and make sure it’s mixed until it’s smooth and there isn’t any lumps.
Now comes the fun part, blowing up your balloons, Ms. Trudy loves this part. There will always be a few balloons that pop and scare the heck out of some kids. Now your ready to start applying your paper mache to the balloon.
Now that you have a few pages of newspaper or magazine pages torn up you can start. Ms. Trudy likes to use all those coupon papers that come in the mail. If you are using glossy coated pages like you find in a magazine then you'll have to soak each strip a few seconds longer in the flour solution. The number of paper strips depends on the size of the face you are making a mask on. It's better to have more than you think you'll need.

The first layer should be placed vertically, the second horizontally, and so forth. Use some blank paper in between newspaper layers to make it easy to see where you've already gone. If you'd like to mold on features, do so now.
The beauty of paper mache is that
the strips can mold into virtually
any shape. You can form eyebrows,
cheekbones, or lips rather easily
Leave it on the side to dry. Make sure that the paper is secured on the balloon or else your mask may come apart. This may take several hours and should be left over night to dry.
The next day your mask will be dry and ready to pop your balloon, carefully take a pin and pop the balloon away from your face.

Start cutting holes. You'll want two for eyes, at least one for the nose, and possibly one for the mouth. If you're going to wear it, make sure the holes line up! In addition, poke two holes on the side to hold the band that will keep the mask on your face. Push a rubber band (cut in half) through the holes and make a knot on each side. If you don't have a rubber band, you may use string, ribbon or a long piece of elastic.
Now it’s time to decorate your Spirit Warrior Kids Eco Enforcer masks. This is Ms. Trudy’s favorite part of the project.
Trash-Can Trudy and Billy’s Eco Enforcers worked together designing some of the most creative Spirit Warrior Kids team masks Ms. Trudy has ever seen and it made her feel as proud as an organic peach.
Billy and the SWK Eco Enforcers wanted to surprise Ms. Trudy with a SWK mask of her own for helping them with this great art project . They cut two holes for eyes and a hole for her mouth, a few strips of paper twisted and sticking up for her hair, painted it Eco green with black hair and big beautiful red lips just like Ms. Trudy has.
When the SWK Eco Enforcers presented the mask to Ms. Trudy she choked back a few tears and said there is only one thing I can say.
GO. GO. GO Spirit Warrior Kids Eco Rangers