Spirit Warrior Kids Next Adventure
Billy and his class mates were all Spirit Warriors now and working together to create ways to help spread the message of Global Awareness & Change. Billy's SWK team came up with an idea to have a clean up day once a month and pick up garbage around the school. They would pick one day a month to collect and bag all the litter on the school grounds and then they would weigh it. The school would record each months litter collection on a chart for everyone to see.
The first month Billy’s SWK team collected 72lbs of garbage. Billy’s school was shocked at the amount of litter people just tossed aside instead of using a garbage can. The next month the SWK team collected 64lbs of garbage and recorded it on the chart. When the principle announced over the intercom that last months clean up day was 72lbs and this months clean up day is 64lbs then how many pounds less is this month's clean up day.(72lbs - 69lbs =?) As the kids figured out how much less it was you could hear a cheer throughout the school.
Soon all the kids at Billy’s school were throwing their litter in garbage cans or recycle bins and hoping for even less garbage on the next clean up day. Billy was noticing a real change throughout the school and a no littering policy became the schools silent rule.
As the next clean up day got closer everyone was sure the garbage collection would be even less then the last month. Kids were picking up after other kids, some kids were putting litter in their pocket until they found a garbage can and everyone was helping to keep the school clean. Soon it was clean up day again and Billy and his SWK team were excited to see if they would beat the previous months garbage collection. You could here kids whispering “ I think it’s going to be 10lbs less, no I think it will be 12lbs less, no your both wrong it’s going to be 15lbs less”
Everyone was guessing and hoping for the best as the garbage was being weighed. All the kids were crowding closer and closer trying to see how much it weighed. Kids were shouting out, how much does it weigh? Is it less then last month? Did we beat last months clean up day? Then came the moment everyone was waiting for, the principle let Billy announce the results over the intercom for this months clean up day.
Yes Billy said, we beat last months clean up day. The total weight for this month is 29lbs, last month was 64lbs and the month before that was 72lbs. How much is the diffence between this month and last month.
(64lbs - 29lbs =?) In three months it went from 72lbs to 29lbs How much is the difference between the first month and the third month. (72lbs - 29lbs =?) The whole school yelled and cheered like there was no tomorrow as they celebrated their great achievement. This was a day to remember, the first Eco project by Billy and his SWK team was a great success and proves if everybody works together then we can make a difference and help save the planet.