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Anchor 2
It was just another day like every other day. I was kicking a pop can down
the side of the road as I walked home from school. I was almost home and just starting to cross the creek that ran behind my house, when all of a sudden I noticed many small fish floating on top of the water.
Just then my mother called out to me "Billy" I told you not to play near the creek. I couldn't help myself I needed to know why the fish were dying.
As I looked around I could see strange brown foam floating on top of the water and a very bad smell coming from the creek. Again my mother called out to me "Billy I told you not to play around the creek! it's dirty. I ran up to the house and ask my mother why all the fish were dying in the creek?
She told me a story about people only thinking of themselves and not seeing the damage they're causing. She told me about the harm all the cars, factories, and industries are doing to the planet. She explained how people only think for the moment and don't look to the future. As she bowed her head in shame and spoke with a quiver in her voice, she said we are all to blame and if we don't change things soon it will be to late.
Later that night as I was getting ready for bed, I thought about everything my mother told me. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. The dead fish, the car pollution and all the factories poisoning the land. There is so much pollution and it seems like nobody cares.
As I lay there trying to sleep I noticed something outside my window. It was a bright light shooting from the sky and getting brighter and brighter as it got closer. - BOOM! - Suddenly, a great flash of light, like a bolt of lightning
filled my room.
As the light slowly dimmed and the smoke cleared I saw the image of a man. Not just a man - he looked like a great native warrior, proud and strong standing at the foot of my bed. His hair was long and braided and he had an Eagle feather sticking up from a leather head band.
He told me he was the mighty Spirit Warrior from the Heavens above and has been watching all the damage man kind has done to our planet. I am here to ask for your help to spread the message of Global Awareness & Change.
He told me about all the forests we have cut down and the many animals we have lost, he told me how the rivers have turned brown with pollution and chemicals are killing the fish.
The Spirit Warrior told me he could feel the pain in my heart and that’s why he had come to ask for my help. He told me that the sadness I felt would give me the strength I would need for the spiritual journey we will travel together.
He then reached out with both hands clutching a Bear Tooth pendant, he slipped it over my head and around my neck. The power of the Bear Tooth will help you on your journey to save the planet.
Now you must speak from your heart so people will listen to what you say.
You must ask them if they could do one thing to change the world no matter how small, would you do it? If they say yes, then you ask them to share the Spirit Warrior story with three more people. Then those three people will tell three more people and so on. This will start the spirit of awareness and change, if enough people spread the Spirit Warrior Eco message and work together we can save the planet before it's to late. He then put his hands on my shoulders and said" Billy you are now a Spirit Warrior and will need your rest, sleep now young warrior your journey begins tomorrow.
As soon as I woke the next morning I jumped out of bed and ran to tell my mother about the Spirit Warrior visiting me in the night. When I told her about the Bear Tooth pendant I reached inside my shirt to show her.
Oh no it gone! Where could it be, was it only a dream? No, I’m sure it was real. I ran back to my room and looked for the Bear Tooth pendant in my bed but it wasn’t there. I looked on the floor, I looked under my bed, I searched every where in my room but it was nowhere to be found!
I yelled to my mother, it was a dream, nothing but a silly dream. My mother told me not to give up even if it was a dream, you must always follow your dreams. You must go now and do what the Spirit Warrior told you. By doing this you will learn what it means to be a great warrior. As I left the house that day I walked proud and tall and felt like I had the heart of a mighty warrior.
I shared my story with all my friends and told them about the Spirit Warrior and explained that we were running out of time if we wanted to save the planet. I asked my friends to think of one thing they could do to make a difference no matter how small. It could be picking up a piece of paper. turning off a light, organizing a clean up day, anything that will help. Then I asked them to find three more people to help spread the Spirit Warrior Eco message.
As the message was passed from person to person, I could see people changing. Everyone began working together and spreading the message to help save the Planet. It was like we became one big, happy family with everyone working towards Global Awareness & Change.
“WOW, look at you Billy, my mother said when I returned home from school that afternoon. Your smile is reaching from ear to ear and your walking
tall and proud like a great Spirit Warrior! When I told my mother what I had done, she smiled and told me how proud she was. Billy you have learned an important lesson today, you have learned if you believe in yourself and follow your heart, then yes your dreams can come true.
"Always follow your dreams"

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